Welcome to Windows Vision Library: Installation Library Documentation

When you extract the library from its zip files, you have to install the library and configurate it before using.

For the IDE, you can use the common way to install the library
1, Start the Integrated Development Environment, set C++ include files by the library installation directory
2, Create a static library project and add all the files in the wvl_root/src to the project, and compile it. You will get a lib file
3, Then you can compile your WVL project successfully with the lib file. Be sure the compilation supports the RTTI, multi-thread and Exceptions.

The Compiler Environment are:
    -Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
    -Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Beta1 With Microsoft SDK
    -Dev-C++ or later
    -GCC 3.2 with XLib

For the specified Integrated Development Environment(IDE), you can click here to install the WVL
